WordPress.com Forums

Wow! This is a great new addition. The adding of your wordpress.com news to the dashboard is great, too. I informed my previous post “What wordpress.com isn’t multi language?” in this topic.

Matt said:
We’ll let you specify your blog’s primary language soon.
When we figure out how to make it cover all the strings, we’ll look into translating the interface. But it gets complicated because we can’t effectively support or monitor blogs that we can’t read.

That’s true, it gets complicated (special in support). But we can perfect it with user interface. I believe if we can allocate template management sections to users, it will be sufficient at first blush.

Update: Read this entry! 🙂

One Response to “WordPress.com Forums”

  1. Dyestyantesia Says:

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    It has taken me literally 1 hours and 08 minutes of searching the web to find you (just kidding!) so I shall be pleased to become a regular visitor from now on 🙂


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